It is about kids having a blast, being creative, interacting and learning how to love God, each other, the world, and the least. More than anything, it is our heart to create an environment where kids feel safe to have fun, grow their relationship with Jesus and to become everything God has created them to be.

What We Believe

  • God is a good Father.

  • We are loved.

  • We belong to Him.

  • He has a plan for us.

What We Do

While in the classroom, children will experience God’s love through worship, relationships, sensory focused games and activities, and creative Bible stories. For each age group, we use an age appropriate curriculum called The Gospel Project.


We are proud to offer a specialized and sensory focused room for children and families that need a more one-on-one approach to kids church. Our Victory Room leaders have extensive experience, passion, and desire to work with kids who have special needs. We offer this option at the 9am and 11am service times.

For more details or questions please email our team at SDKids@theStirring.org.


Check-In Policy

You will find our check-in area at the entrance of the SD Kids hallway for Littles, and the entrance of the Catalyst Center for TK-5th grade. If you are a first-time guest at the Stirring, there is a team of people that are present on Sunday to assist with the check-in process. Each child receives a nametag with their classroom, any allergies and family ID number on it. Parents receive a tag with the family ID number on it as well. If needed during the service, the family ID number will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen in the main space. We may also send you a text. At this time, a parent needs to return to their child’s classroom. For safety purposes, parents must present their portion of the tag with the family ID number on it when picking up their child. Children will NOT be released to any adult without a matching family ID number.

Sick Policy

If your child is sick or not feeling well, we ask that you refrain from bringing him/her to the SD Kids church. Out of consideration to our kids, families and volunteers, our guidelines require that children who are ill will not be allowed into nursery or classrooms. This includes any children experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Fever over 99.8

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Skin rashes or eruptions

  • Coughing associated with a respiratory infection

  • Runny nose which has a yellow or green discharge

  • Pinkeye, which is often accompanied by a yellow/green discharge or thick drainage from the eye

  • Parasites such as nits, lice, mites, or ringworm

  • Drainage, in any form, from the ear

The same policy is enforced with our volunteers. For more information, email our team at SDKids@theStirring.org.


To volunteer with SD Kids you must fill out the SD Kids leadership form and attend a new volunteer meeting.
We run a background check on every volunteer. NO applicant is ever permitted to volunteer in SD Kids if they’ve been arrested for child abuse. We meet with every volunteer to discuss the direction and vision of the SD Kid’s ministry. Every new volunteer will be supervised on a regular basis. The Never Alone Policy is strictly enforced. Adults are never alone with children. Every teacher and helper is required to wear an SD name tag, verifying they have been screened for work in the SD Kids Ministry. Because our children are so important to us, we go to GREAT LENGTHS to ensure your child’s SAFETY and CARE. To join our team fill out our SD Kids leadership form HERE.


SD Midweek
Bring your fourth and fifth graders to SD Midweek! Now your kids don’t have to wait until Junior High to find a place for connection and intentional mentoring during the week. SD Midweek is filled with great leaders, times for small groups, creative activities, games, snacks, and lots of fun! Don’t miss out!

Wednesdays | 6:30PM-8:30PM | The Stirring - Catalyst East 4/5th grade room, next to Jr. High/High School space

  • No Midweek December 25th - January 8th.

  • Midweek will resume January 15th.

SD Kids Prayer
Join our SD Kids team on Thursdays as we intercede for our sons and daughters together! The whole family is invited to pray with us. Also, if you can’t make it in person, no problem; set an alarm and pray with us from wherever you are. “Four things let us ever keep in mind: God hears prayer, God heeds prayer, God answers prayer, and God delivers by prayer.”
Thursdays | 12PM | Littles Hall

Child Dedications
We love our children and desire for them to grow up supported in church family! Child dedications are a public sign that parents are seeking to raise their children in the ways of Jesus, set them apart, and present them to God.
Please email SDKids@theStirring.org for future dates.