Every year we inspire our Stirring family into God's dream for our local church, our city, and global family. At Vision Night, we celebrate where we’ve been and shed light on our 2025 initiatives, realities, and hopes for this coming year. Words cannot fully express our gratitude for all those who’ve invested so generously and consistently in our church family.
In 2024 we sensed God say, “No family walks alone. Wage war on isolation. Go all in for Gen Z/Alpha.” In response, we established the Family Prayer Initiative, to pray for every family, single, and student, in our church family, by name. We launched Parent Circles, a community of parents and caregivers with a vision to raise powerful sons and daughters in the nuance of today’s culture. We renovated office space to become the new 4th-5th grade classroom, to make more room for kids and new families. We broke ground on our Courtyard Initiative, to use our campus more intentionally to steward families, let alone our city. We equipped more than twenty new Life Groups teams this past year. We took more than 160 students on retreats, camps and conferences this year. We launched a student leadership program to disciple and equip high school students. We hosted more than eighty students in our Emerge intensives. We launched our new Recovery community, offering restorative hope to countless lives, marriages, and families. And more.
We will continue to partner intentionally with the Rescue Mission, North State Care Clinic, Plantable Nursery, Team Nehemiah, California Youth Partnership, Pace Academy, Heritage Coffeehouse, and others who are doing phenomenal and redemptive work within our city. Redding’s in good hands.
Last year we sent more than eighty-five people to ten different countries. We partnered with Hard Places Community in Cambodia, Madagascar and Greece. We equipped more than 250 preachers through our PREACHERS Masterclass in Thailand, Mexico, Canada and San Diego. We joined with Jeremy and Tiffany Hinshaw to develop young missionaries through REIGN Ministries in Europe. We partnered with our local citywide Justice CrabFeed which raised more than 125k dollars towards local and global justice initiatives.
Years ago, God asked us to build a “house of worship.” An altar of prayer, authenticity, and devotion, for our city and the nations. That above all other things or agendas, our Stirring family might be known as a house of worship. A place God dwells. As we pray into 2025, we sense the invitation to fan the flames of this altar. Spirit-filled mission thrives in the atmosphere of devotion. This year, both personally and corporately, we posture ourselves for a renewal of worship, surrender, and wholehearted first love.
We realize the unique call on the Stirring to equip and empower spiritual fathers and mothers. Yet spiritual parenting in today’s culture will require courage, vulnerability, and anointing. Lots of it. When God commissions Samuel to pour his life upon young David, he first says to him, “Fill your flask with oil.” Choosing, let alone discipling sons and daughters, requires oil, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. As we pray into 2025, we hear God saying, “Fill your flask.” This year we’ll do everything possible to pursue, deepen, and release spiritual fathers and mothers, both locally and globally.
Jesus tells a story about a king who throws a party for his son, yet those invited refuse to come. So instead, this king sends his servants “to the streets.” They are commissioned to invite anyone and everyone they see. As we pray into 2025, we sense God’s kind invitation and fierce pursuit of those who have felt unnoticed, unwanted, and uninvited. God himself choosing and calling those least deserving and least expected. This year we ready ourselves for an everyday, ordinary, spirit of evangelism. We ask God for eyes to see those he is choosing, pursuing and inviting. To the streets.
This year we will send teams to more than ten countries. We will deepen our justice movements in Madagascar and Cambodia, pioneer a mission’s base in the Middle East, equip preachers in South Africa, minister among the Mapuche tribes in Chile, partner with Origen as they launch a new campus in the city of Aguas Calientes, Mexico, and more.
This Spring we record our “More Than Enough” worship album in Spanish. Partnering with Origen Church in Guadalajara, along with our Stirring Worship team, to offer our songs to the church of Mexico, and beyond. Our prayer is that these Jesus-filled anthems might help our friends at Origen to reach the 128 million people in Mexico, let alone the 600 million who speak Spanish in the world.
This Summer we will host our first Mentor’s Bootcamp, to raise up and release some of the world’s finest and fiercest mentors. A three-day mentor’s experience designed to strengthen, provoke, and deepen the mentor within you.
Last year we pioneered our first Covenant Marriage group, an eight-week interactive course for couples. This Spring we will host three more Covenant groups, designed to strengthen faithful, powerful, and lasting marriages.
This year’s House Offering goal is $200,000. Our House Offering helps us accomplish local, global, and future goals not currently funded by our general giving. Consider giving a gift toward this year's goal.
Courtyard Renovation ~ $50,000+
South Africa Initiatives ~ $10,000
Origen Church “Aguas Calientes” Church Plant ~ $10,000
Spanish Album ~ $10,000
Missions Ops ~ $20,000
We aim to purchase the Catalyst Center, our youth building next door, when the time is right. Our goal is to save $100,000 yearly towards this future purchase. The Catalyst Center is currently leased by us. Sow a gift to help us acquire this space for future generations.
Give to our 2025 House Offering HERE.
Stirring family and global friends, partner with us as we live God's heart and passions, on earth as it is in heaven.
Nate Edwardson and the Stirring team