We Love.
Every season of life brings unique challenges and opportunities for growth. If you are currently facing hardships, difficulties in relationships, or personal issues, and want guidance, we are here to help.
Lets us know what is happening on your journey, so we can pray with you and help find the path to a healthy, whole life.
Soul Care Form – For relationship challenges, personal concerns or any general need.
Prayer Request Form – We’d love to know what you’re going through and how we can pray with you.
Resource List – Our counseling and referral list for Redding, CA.
We will follow up with you as soon as possible.
It’s simple. We love. We make disciples. We love God. We love each other. We love the world. We love the least.
We love God.
This is our greatest calling, to love God face to face, to worship Him, to serve Him, to enjoy Him and to pursue Him for the rest of our lives.
We love each other.
Jesus calls us to love each other. We encourage, we serve, we forgive, we share, we honor, we bless and we show mercy to each other. As followers of Jesus, more than anything, we should be known by our love for each other.
We love the world.
We are all God’s people on earth, filled with Jesus, calling the world back into a life with God. We refuse to turn our backs on the world God has placed us in. As a community, we will run into the world holding out God’s love in the most creative ways possible. Jesus loved the world and so will we.
We love the least.
The poor, the broken, the marginalized and the abused have always had the attention of God. Jesus proclaimed good news to the poor and freedom for the prisoners and the oppressed. God loves all people but has always had his eye on the ones that everyone else has overlooked. We want to join God in bringing hope to the ones that need it the most.
We make disciples.
When Jesus sent out His first disciples, He called them to go and make disciples of all nations. We believe this is the burning call for every Jesus follower. In response to this call, we’re learning how to be and make disciples who love God, who love each other, who love the world and who love the least.
We love. We make disciples. Period.