Applications for the 2024/25 year are now OPEN! Emerge exists to empower individuals towards greater wholeness in their lives, equipping them with tools to cultivate and sustain a thriving relationship with Jesus.
We believe that the Bible, the living Word of God, is the most trustworthy source of wisdom, formation, leadership and guidance for followers of Jesus; producing life, and illuminating our way as we seek to become more like Jesus. We long to see the Word of God woven into the heart of every generation.
The Emerge Bible Intensive is a seven month inductive study of the Word of God specifically focused on a selection of books from the New Testament. With an emphasis on understanding the cultural and historical context of each book, while trusting the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to become Biblically literate, Spirit led followers of Jesus who wholeheartedly embrace and live out the truth of God’s Word.
What is inductive study?
Biblical inductive study uses Biblical inductive reasoning to come to conclusions about the meaning of the text through observation. Inductive study typically involves the practice of observation and interpretation using various study tools to understand concrete timeless truths from the Biblical text. The final step in the inductive study process is to apply these timeless truths to our lives in a personal and practical manner. We will utilize widely accepted facts in our teaching primarily as they relate to the historical and cultural context of the text we are studying.
What is the time commitment?
The Bible intensive includes a weekly 3 hour class time as well as 10 hours a week of outside study time. The total weekly investment of your time will be 13 hours each week. We strongly encourage you to take a look at your schedule and plan for how you will have space for the needed time commitment in your weekly rhythms.
The dates are September 30, 2024 - April 28, 2025.
Class meets weekly on Monday evenings from 6:00pm-9:00pm. We will break periodically, including for some holidays.
There is a $35 application fee. The cost for the intensive is $1000, which includes a $200 non refundable deposit. The cost provides for all materials for the year.
Age Requirement
Emerge Bible intensive is open to anyone who has graduated from high school.