We’ve heard it said, if you want to build something significant for the kingdom of God, build a family. And that’s what we’re doing! Life group is a vision to plant thriving kingdom communities throughout our city. We love. We make disciples. And we believe this happens best in and through community.
Following Jesus is an invitation to do life with others. Take a risk, build new friendships, and see what God might do. We gather weekly, share meals, open our lives, study scripture, worship and pray.
Life Groups are built on four pillars from Acts 2:42, “And they devoted themselves to the apostle’s teachings, fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and prayer.” We gather around the word, family, meals [including communion], and prayer. These pillars are foundational to building a healthy and vibrant community of disciples.
Click below to access all current Life Groups.
I want to join a Life Group.
I want to host/lead a Life Group.
How often do groups gather?
Thanks for your willingness to lead or host a Life Group. Life groups gather weekly, twelve weeks in the Fall and twelve weeks in the Spring. We usually break over holidays and summer. Some groups meet throughout the summer. Life Groups gather in homes, coffeeshops, on campus, or wherever people can gather.
How many people are in a Life Group?
Typically, a Life Group gathers 10-15 people, but every group is unique in size, purpose and growth.
How does it work?
Open your home. Open your life. Personal invitation is always the best. People can also access “open” groups from our website. A great way to catch people who are new to the church or don’t yet have genuine relationship.
What does leading Life Group require?
Life Group leaders are equipped to gather, lead, and facilitate a Life Group gathering. Life Group leaders are the “shepherd” of the community, which involves leadership, group discussion, study of scripture, prayer, care, and when needed, conflict management and correction. Every Life Group leader has a personal coach, available and accessible to help navigate any Life Group seasons and situations.
Attend the Stirring consistently for at least six months.
Embrace the Stirring’s vision and values.
Provide a pastoral, staff or Life Group leader reference.
Next Steps
Fill out the Life Group leader/host interest form.
Meet up with our Life Group pastor.