Every year we inspire our Stirring family into God’s dream for our local church, our city and to the ends of the earth. At our recent Vision Night and Vision Sunday, we shed some light on our 2024 local and global initiatives ~ along with current realities, dreams and direction for this coming year.
This is the year no family walks alone. This is the year we wage war on isolation. This is the year we go all in for Gen Z.
We believe God is asking us to build a prayer altar to bring strength and support to every family, single, student and kid in our church family, and beyond. To pray for every family, by name, every week. We are calling this prayer initiative “Every.” Every family, every single, every student, every kid. Every. Partner with us as we develop the blueprints for this movement of prayer.
This April we launch our first ever Parent Circles. We will cultivate a community of parents to bring strength and strategy to the nuance of parenting in today’s culture. Parents need wisdom, support and friendship more than ever. Healthy families are the foundation of healthy cities and culture, let alone the church. Partner with us as we build strength, offer hope and walk fiercely with parents in our church and community.
We plan to renovate the Catalyst Center offices to become our new 4th & 5th grade classroom. All Midweek and Sunday morning 4th & 5th grade activity will be hosted in this room.
It’s been a dream for years to renovate our Courtyard to best engage families and kids in our Stirring church family and our greater city. Shade structures, sitting areas, better walkways and a kids playground, will transform our Courtyard to become an intentional gathering space. For years, our teachers have asked for a space for kids to “get out” of the classroom and into a safe courtyard area. Join with us as we take steps toward this reality.
We will continue to partner intentionally with the Rescue Mission, North State Care Clinic, California Youth Partnership, and Heritage Coffeehouse, who are doing phenomenal and redemptive work within our city. More to come.
This year we will send more than 85 people to ten different countries. We will partner with HARD PLACES Community in Cambodia, Madagascar and Greece. We will equip more than 200 preachers through our PREACHERS Masterclass in Thailand, Mexico and Canada. We will join with Jeremy and Tiffany Hinshaw to develop young missionaries through REIGN Ministries in Europe. We will partner with ORIGEN CHURCH in Merida, Mexico, to encourage and empower their team of church planters. And more.
We aim to purchase the Catalyst Center, our youth building next door, in the near future. Our goal is to save $100,000 yearly towards this future purchase. The Catalyst Center is currently leased by us. Sow a gift to help us acquire this space for future generations.
2024 HOUSE OFFERING GOAL ~ $200,000.
Consider giving a gift toward this year’s 2024 House Offering goal. Give to the general goal, or meet a need specifically.
4th-5th Grade Classroom Project ~ $15,000
Courtyard Renovation ~ $200,000+
South Africa Initiatives ~ $10,000
Preachers 2024 [Mexico, Thailand and Canada] ~ $10,000
Missions ~ $30,000
Catalyst Center Building Purchase ~ $100,000
Give to our 2024 House Offering HERE.
Stirring family and global friends, partner with us as we live God’s heart and passions, both locally and globally, on earth as it is in heaven.
This is the year.
Nate Edwardson and the Stirring team